Doesdata - the online herdbook

ZooEasy cloud software
Doesdata helps to improve breeding results. You can easily make pedigrees and calculate inbreeding percentages in our online database. Watch the video and discover several features:

Keep track of your animals.
It’s easy!
Doesdata is perfect for the registration of our breed. Login to your account and check the unique features of our animals. Understand how your animals are related by pedigree and relationship calculations. Breeding committees can safely keep track of medical files and veterinary results. Print your own reports and read all show result information. That makes Doesdata the best organized database for Schapendoes breeders!

Managing your data: anytime, everywhere
The online database is optimized for all devices. For our 2.061 worldwide customers we have currently saved 5.820.579 animals in ZooEasy. This number still increases every hour, thanks to their 9.274 users!
Doesdata contains details of over 30.000 Schapendoezen, from the very first founders of the breed up to the latest born litters.
Improve breeding results
We help responsible breeders to improve breeding results. The more generations of Schapendoezen we have stored in our database, the more accurate our breeding results will be. Use software of Doesdata to simulate pedigrees of desired breeding pairs and you’ll instantly see the inbreeding percentages and mean kinship in advance.

Improve population management
The more health data we gather, the better we can monitor our breed and respond to trends. The breeding committees of the affiliates can provide breeding advice based on health information stored in our database. By reading show reports or breeding inventarisation reports, you can check which animal is the right partner for your dog.
Maximum privacy for breeders and owners
We understand your need for privacy. All affiliates receive extra privacy features. Any members of your breedclub will get their own username and password to access the database. They can only see what’s important and allowed (legally) to them. Personal data has to be shielded from members, so confidential information is only visible for country managers and members of your breeding committee. Public information is accessible for everyone.