DoesData is an independent, international foundation that manages all details of our breed. It is not
owned by a single breed club but is a shared project of several clubs, the affiliates:
DSK (Dansk Schapendoes Klub)
SKK (Schweizerischer Schapendoes Klub)
IGS (Interessengemeinschaft Schapendoes e.V.)
VNS (Vereniging de Nederlandse Schapendoes)
NSK (Norsk Schapendoes Klubb)
SCC (Schapendoes Club of Canada)
SSK (Svenska Schapendoesklubben) trial member
SCN (de Schapendoesclub Nederland) trial member
LSHSK (Letzebuerger Schapendoes, herdershond and Saarloos Klub) trial member
SSR (Suomen Schapendoes ry) trial member
ABNF (Association des Bergers Néerlandais de France) trial member
Official articles of association can be found here.
The software is created by ZooEasy.
It provides pedigrees, pictures, show reports, health data, Mean Kinship calculations, but also the
history since the breed was “founded” by Toepoel. DoesData collects all data that comes to us via
official channels or is actively retrieved via official channels. Health data can only be accepted if it is
provided by the owner or breeder of a dog, if possible, with veterinary reports.
Because of the international character the standard language in Doesdata is English.
A basic account provides access to all pedigrees and all publicly available health records. Many photos, inventories, show reports and other information has been added to the Schapendoezen from the early days.
There is also the possibility to buy a breeders account. In a basic account you can retrieve data but not
store information. The breeders account provides the opportunity to make private notes and upload
and save attachments. These personal notes are strictly confidential. If your account is terminated the
personal notes will automatically be deleted.s

The two main bodies of Doesdata are the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors. Roles and responsibilities are stated in the Articles of Association
Supervisory Board
Each affiliate appoints a member for the supervisory board. The current SB consists of:
Netherlands (VNS), Marjolein Flobbe (President)
Norway, Thor K. Johnsen (Vice-President)
Germany, Hans Jacobs
Canada, Claude Ethier
Denmark, Nis Crone Köser
Switzerland, Marinke Ruijs
Board of Directors
Christiane Weingarte (Treasurer)
Carlian Brauckmann (Country/Clubmanager contact)
​Cecilia Wahlstedt
Sabine Molik
Paula Nuij webmaster@schapendoes.nl
Club Managers
Data is entered according to strict protocols, by managers assigned per club. For countries who have not joined Doesdata (yet) representatives from Doesdata-members are appointed who enter data for the specific population:
Claude Ethier
Maria Sørensen
Minna Jussila
Minna Nikander
Anniina Kallioniemi
Christina Weingarte
Netherlands (VNS) & Luxemburg
Els Rooijakkers
Netherlands (Club)
Karin Jansen
Inger Anette Backer
Cecilia Wahlstedt
Ruth Knuchel
Non-member representative:
Marjolein Flobbe
Data Assistants
Lizette Allart - Bremmers
Jolande v.d. Berg
Irma Thissen
Karin Bakker
Godelieve de Wit