On the 9th of september 2006 the International Schapendoes Federation (ISF) was founded by the Schapendoes Clubs of Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
Participation in the ISF is free of fees, for all Schapendoes Breed Clubs
Goal of the ISF is to facilitate an optimal cooperation between the Schapendoes Clubs in order to preserve the health, breed type and good character of our Schapendoes all over the world.
The establishment of the ESS served as a basis for initial discussions and for a rather informal exchange. Soon it was realized that a proper structure in its own right would be desirable for a regular exchange. The development of a genetic test to combat PRA jointly by the IGS and the VNS constituted the ultimate proof that cooperative action can be successful. 2006, the ISF was founded and since then we meet on the eve of the VNS club show to exchange information from the individual countries and clubs openly and trustfully.
The ISF shall not become in institution equipped with decision-making powers, which remain reserved to the individual clubs. There would be no legal basis for this nor the necessary requirements. The ISF will not take anything from the clubs, but it shall add an option to their actions: On a platform including the entire breed – as opposed to national or even club-specific sections of information – a broader perspective shall be opened up.
The plenum of the ISF provides the place for exchange – an exchange that can be fruitful only on the basis of trust and equivalent rights of members on an equal footing. Once again I call upon the up to now absent clubs and their chairmen sincerely, to overcome old mostly personal animosities and to join the ISF. In the long run there is no alternative for the breed!
The goal of the ISF is to facilitate optimum cooperation between Schapendoes breed cIubs, to preserve health, breedtype and the correct character of the Schapendoes globally.
Let me appeal to all those responsible in the clubs: Let’s work together. Together we can make and achieve a lot.
The whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Most cordially,
Dr. Hans J. Jacobs
Chairman of the ISF
Stichting Schapendoes 1947
In 1997 the board of Vereniging “de Nederlandse Schapendoes” decided to create “Stichting Schapendoes 1947” with the following purpose:
Financial support of scientific research of diseases in the Schapendoes breed. The aim is to improve the breeding policy of the V.N.S. where possible.
Financial support for Schapendoes relates matters. For example: organising special events and Jubilea.
Amongst others, the Stichting contributed to:
gPRA-research in Bochum
kidney research at the University of Utrecht
ECVO investigation at VNS events
the uropean PRA-fund
health lectures
een Schapendoes back to the Drentse sheepherd
jubilea publications of Vereniging de Nederlandse Schapendoes
developing Mean Kinship calculations in DoesData, with the WUR and Zooeasy
The work of the Stichting is only possible if we have sufficient financial means. The Stichting raises money through donations, gifts and activities like the lottery at the Kampioenschapsclubmatch or Jonge Honden Dag. The treasurer of the Stichting yearly reports about the financial overview, in the VNS Magazine, with a full overview of financial details.
If you wish to support the goals of the Stichting, your gift is always welcome at Bank account:
NL87 INGB 0007 6552 46
Stichting Schapendoes 1947
Thank you very much in advance!
Alvast bedankt!
Irma Thissen, secretary
Nel Voerman, treasurer